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Spring Cleaning - Biorhythm Changes

Did you know we have many different micro-biomes on and in our body? Each plays a major role in our health and well-being, and each micro-biome changes with the season. Join us to learn more about this incredible and often misunderstood part of our lives.

March 19, 2024 will be the first day of spring.

New season = new plants = new foods = revitalized health

As nature awakens, it's the perfect time to revitalize your own well-being.

In this seminar you will:

  • Discover powerful and gentle strategies for a spring cleanse that supports your well-being. Learn effective methods to rejuvenate your body and mind, shedding winter lethargy for a fresh and revitalized start.

  • Gain insights into how your body's biorhythms naturally shift with the changing seasons. Understand the impact of these changes on energy levels, mood, and overall health, and learn to harness this natural energy for optimal well-being.

  • Acquire practical tools and techniques to adapt harmoniously to seasonal shifts. Whether you're looking to detoxify, boost energy, or simply align with the changing environment, the workshop provides actionable strategies for a smoother transition.

  • Learn how to leverage your body's natural energy during the spring season. Discover methods to optimize energy levels, enhance vitality, and embrace the renewed sense of vigor that comes with the awakening of nature.

  • Walk away with a personalized wellness plan tailored to the spring season. Whether your goal is detoxification, increased energy, or overall well-being, the workshop equips you with the knowledge and tools to make informed and positive choices for a healthier spring.

Cost $200 Workshop attendees also receive access to our Spring Start-Up Week program. ($60 bonus)
Location: Industrial Arts House
3300 N Kenneth Avenue

**Spots are limited, pre-registration is required.

December 2

New Year, New Beginnings

March 24

Spring Start-Up Week