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10 Day Gut Reset

Prepare your body for the holiday season with our 10-Day Gut Reset Protocol—a carefully designed detox and fasting program focused on cleansing, healing, and supporting your gut health.

What You Can Expect:

  • 3-Day Kitchari Cleanse: Begin with a simple, cleansing kitchari diet to detox and reset your digestion.

  • 4 Days of Seasonal, Gut-Supportive Foods: Eat nutrient-dense, vegetarian meals combined with intermittent fasting for optimal gut healing.

  • 3-Day Bone Broth Fast: Conclude the protocol with a healing bone broth fast to promote gut lining repair and further detoxification.

Program Includes:

  • Onboarding Call (Nov 10, 6 PM): Kickstart your journey with an introduction to the program.

  • Q&A Calls: One call between each phase to address questions and provide ongoing guidance.

  • Final Call: Learn how to break your fast properly and continue implementing the healthy habits learned.

  • Exclusive Slack Channel: Daily support, Q&A, and accountability from coaches and peers.

  • Ebook: Complete guide with fasting protocols, detailed recipes, and shopping lists.

  • Session Recordings: Can’t make it live? All sessions will be recorded for your convenience.

Results and Benefits:

  • Improved digestion and gut health

  • Reduced bloating and inflammation

  • Mental clarity and improved energy levels

  • Establishing long-lasting healthy habits

  • Enter the holiday season feeling lighter and more balanced

Who Can Join:

Open to anyone aged 21-100. This program is easier with a partner—join with a friend for only $50 each!

All sessions will be conducted online, so you can join from the comfort of your home. Ready to reset your gut and feel your best this holiday season? Sign up now!

Cost: $70 | $50 if you join with an accountability partner

November 9

Hormone Harmony